
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The power to manifest any of your desires (Part 1)

The power to manifest any of your desires (Part 1)
In photography, for you to capture a clear and sharp image you must focus your lens correctly; the ability to focus the lens of a camera is the main expertise of a good camera man. In the same vein, for you to get anything meaningful out of life you must be able to focus your time, energy and resources on a particular purpose for this is the main expertise of a successful man.
“You must remain focused on your journey to greatness”- Less Brown

The law of focus and attraction are universal laws that can work to our favor when properly put to work. What you focus on you attract and what you focus on expands, this is one reason why people who are always worried become more worried, people who focus on lack become more brook, those who are afraid to fail always fail because this laws are universal.
“Focus on where you want to go, not on your fears”-Tony Robbins

In order to make this law work for you, you must learn to focus on your goals, were you want to be, your desires and not where you presently are. Have a definite goal or task that you want to achieve in a specific period of time, list them out as clearly as possible, then write a stamen of declaration that shows the accomplishment of that goal and let this statement be in the present tense. Don’t use the word like; I wish to, I want to, I hope to; instead use the words I am.
“What you see depends mainly on what you look for” – Sir John Lubbock

Commit these words into your subconscious mind by affirmation and meditation. Keep on repeating these words to yourself when you are alone for it to sink into your mind and then create a new file in the folder of that section which you want to see a change or achieve a goal. ( ….to be continued)

Felix Smith Aigbonohan.
Peak performance coach

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