
Friday, 28 December 2012

The Art of winning in life

The Art of winning in life
I would love to share with you an interesting thought that I know will be of great help to you in your journey of unlocking greatness. It is very interesting to note here that people do not win in life by chance or luck as some others call it but by conscious and calculated effort. You can check my previous post on why do people fail in life” to get more information on that. One of the greatest assets of a winner is reparation.


“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail”-Benjamin Franklin

Preparation is defined as the action of making ready or being made ready for use. This shows that if you are not prepared you cannot be used; therefore preparation gets you ready for use.

Preparation is acquiring relevant information, skills, to meet and surmount a challenge or goal at a given time. I have heard this statement over the years that preparation is the mother of performance which is very true because ill-performance can always be traced back to ill-preparation. One of the greatest enemies of preparation is procrastination. Some questions we should ask ourselves next should be;

How do we prepare?

There are different ways of preparing for different events in life, if you are a sports man, music performer, businessman or in academic circle, you will find out there are different activities you can engage yourself with in the preparation process, but there are underlining principles that is common to all of these professions; one of which is  the principle of learning. Yes! I mean learning the art of what you do.

We learn from various sources in life, right from when we were children. We learn from our parents, school teachers, church/mosque, seminars, workshops, etc, also we learn from nature and we learn from our experiences, the mistakes and success we've had over the years.

Every preparation should have an aim, target, purpose and should be time bound as no wise person will continue to preparing for an event forever. There is time for everything, a time to prepare and a time to do what you prepared for. It’s just like setting a SMART goal, a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound, so also is preparation.

There are some qualities of a winner that you must possess for you so succeed in the process of preparation.

Determination: set goals and target for yourself with an absolute resolve to accomplish it.

Discipline: you must subject yourself to rules against your personal desires in order to attain a specific goal.

Dedication: you learn to give yourself totally to a cause you believe in and commit your time, energy, and resources to it. Patience and Perseverance is a must in the process.

You must know at this point that it takes more time to prepare and lesser time to execute your plans. Sports men prepare for weeks, months and even years for just an event and I will like to share a little insight to the preparation process of one of the world's legend in sports, Usan Bolt. He is the current world Olympic champion holder of 100 and 200 meters race winning 3 gold medals’ at the Benji Olympics 2008, he became the first in Olympic history to win both 100 and 200 meters race in a record times of 9.63 sec in 2012.

There is something you should know about his story, he went out first round in the 2004 Olympics at Athens, but he did not stop there as a failure, rather he hired two coaches, Glen mills and Arist Paul and went into the process of preparation again doing weight lifting, flexibility training, balance, speed and swiftness training. He trained 6 days per week for 3 years. Today he is a legend in his field.
Now you know it is not luck or by chance but by heard work and consistency in practice that helped him made his dream a reality.

You can now see that world champions spend greater parts of their time in preparation for that one event that will bring about all of their desires in life.

Even Jesus Christ spent 30 years of his life preparing for a 3 and half years of his ministry that has forever changed the entire cause of history.

Preparation is vital if success must be achieved, our failures are part of the preparation process we go through and our performance in life and in business always shows the level of our preparation.

Among other things you need in this process is a Coach.

A coach will;

Guild you in the process,

Help you focus on your strength,

Motivate you,

Challenge your limits and

Inspire you.

I will love to be that coach in your process. for more information on that, visit

Thank you for taking out your time to read this article, it will defiantly help you to unlock the greatness in you.

Felix Smith Aigbonohan.

Peak performance coach


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